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Ebook hóa học

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (March's Advanced Organic Chemistry)
By Michael B. Smith,&nbspJerry March,
  • Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
  • Number Of Pages: 2357
  • Publication Date: 2007-01-16
  • Sales Rank: 29163
  • ISBN / ASIN: 0471720917
  • EAN: 9780471720911
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Manufacturer: Wiley-Interscience
  • Studio: Wiley-Interscience
  • Average Rating: 5
  • Total Reviews:
Download: http://rapidshare.com/files/46059482/Marchs.Advanced.Organic.Chemistry.6th.Ed-0471720917.zip

[Image: 41xXtYYasyL.jpg]

Heterocycles from Carbohydrate Precursors (Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry)

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 360
Publication Date: 2007-08
Sales Rank:
ISBN / ASIN: 3540729569
EAN: 9783540729563
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:


12-07-2007 10:45 PM[Image: 41Z84CKQ3NL.jpg]

Non-destructive Micro Analysis of Cultural Heritage Materials, Volume XLII (Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry)

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 828
Publication Date: 2005-01-26
Sales Rank: 1902307
ISBN / ASIN: 0444507388
EAN: 9780444507389
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

This book provides the scientific and technical background materials of non-destructive methods of microscopic analysis that are suitable for analysing works of art, museum pieces and archeaological artefacts. Written by experts in the field, this multi-author volume contains a number of case studies, illustrating the value of these methods. The book is suited to natural scientists and analysts looking to increase their knowledge of the various methods that are currently available for non-destructive analysis. It is also the perfect resource for museum curators, archaeologists and art-historians seeking to identify one or more suitable methods of analysis that could solve material-related problems.

Code: http://rapidshare.com/files/163389841/ndmaoch.rar

16-07-2007 07:31 AM[Image: 41TWxS4ZQhL.jpg]

Advanced Organic Chemistry: Part A: Structure and Mechanisms (Advanced Organic Chemistry / Part A: Structure and Mechanisms)
By Francis A. Carey,&nbspRichard J. Sundberg,

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 1220
Publication Date: 2007-06-13
Sales Rank: 227611
ISBN / ASIN: 0387683461
EAN: 9780387683461
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating: 4
Total Reviews: 11

Book Description:

Since its original appearance in 1977, Advanced Organic Chemistry has maintained its place as the premier textbook in the field, offering broad coverage of the structure, reactivity and synthesis of organic compounds. As in the earlier editions, the text contains extensive references to both the primary and review literature and provides examples of data and reactions that illustrate and document the generalizations. While the text assumes completion of an introductory course in organic chemistry, it reviews the fundamental concepts for each topic that is discussed.

The two-part fifth edition has been substantially revised and reorganized for greater clarity. Among the changes: Updated material reflecting advances in the field since 2001’s Fourth Edition, especially in computational chemistry; A companion Web site provides digital models for study of structure, reaction and selectivity; Solutions to the exercises provided to instructors online.

The material in Part A is organized on the basis of fundamental structural topics such as structure, stereochemistry, conformation and aromaticity and basic mechanistic types, including nucleophilic substitution, addition reactions, carbonyl chemistry, aromatic substitution and free radical reactions. Together with Part B: Reaction and Synthesis, the two volumes are intended to provide the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student in chemistry with a sufficient foundation to comprehend and use the research literature in organic chemistry.


16-07-2007 08:55 PM[Image: 51851EQPBEL.jpg]

Advanced Organic Chemistry, Fourth Edition - Part B: Reaction and Synthesis
By Richard J. Sundberg,&nbspFrancis A. Carey,

Publisher: Springer
Number Of Pages: 958
Publication Date: 2001-06-30
Sales Rank: 1502753
ISBN / ASIN: 0306462443
EAN: 9780306462443
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Springer
Studio: Springer
Average Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 15

Book Description:

The control of reactivity to achieve specific syntheses is one of the overarching goals of organic chemistry. In the decade since the publication of the third edition, major advances have been made in the development of efficient new methods, particularly catalytic processes, and in means for control of reaction stereochemistry. This volume assumes a level of familiarity with structural and mechanistic concepts comparable to that in the companion volume, Part A, Structures and Mechanisms. Together, the two volumes are intended to provide the advanced undergraduate or beginning graduate student in chemistry with a sufficient foundation to comprehend and use the research literature in organic chemistry.


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DNA Topology
By Andrew D. Bates,&nbspAnthony Maxwell,

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 216
Publication Date: 2005-03-24
Sales Rank: 816746
ISBN / ASIN: 0198506554
EAN: 9780198506553
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

'DNA' has become a familiar part of everyday life, with the excitement surrounding the sequencing of the human genome and forensic advances through DNA fingerprinting. A key aspect of DNA is its ability to form a variety of structures. This book explains the origins and importance of such structures in an easily accessible way that will be of great value to students and researchers alike.



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Physical Chemistry: Understanding our Chemical World
By Paul M. S. Monk

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 618
Publication Date: 2004-05-28
Sales Rank: 964653
ISBN / ASIN: 0471491810
EAN: 9780471491811
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Wiley
Studio: Wiley
Average Rating: 4.5
Total Reviews: 2

Book Description:

Understanding Physical Chemistry is a gentle introduction to the principles and applications of physical chemistry. The book aims to introduce the concepts and theories in a structured manner through a wide range of carefully chosen examples and case studies drawn from everyday life. These real-life examples and applications are presented first, with any necessary chemical and mathematical theory discussed afterwards. This makes the book extremely accessible and directly relevant to the reader.

Aimed at undergraduate students taking a first course in physical chemistry, this book offers an accessible applications/examples led approach to enhance understanding and encourage and inspire the reader to learn more about the subject.
A comprehensive introduction to physical chemistry starting from first principles.
Carefully structured into short, self-contained chapters.
Introduces examples and applications first, followed by the necessary chemical theory.

Download Description:

Understanding Physical Chemistry is a gentle introduction to the principles and applications of physical chemistry. The book aims to introduce the concepts and theories in a structured manner through a wide range of carefully chosen examples and case studies drawn from everyday life. These real-life examples and applications are presented first, with any necessary chemical and mathematical theory discussed afterwards. This makes the book extremely accessible and directly relevant to the reader. Aimed at undergraduate students taking a first course in physical chemistry, this book offers an accessible applications/examples led approach to enhance understanding and encourage and inspire the reader to learn more about the subject. A comprehensive introduction to physical chemistry starting from first principles. Carefully structured into short, self-contained chapters. Introduces examples and applications first, followed by the necessary chemical theory.



30-06-2007 04:39 PM[Image: 41B26KWB4BL.jpg]

Dictionary of Carbohydrates with CD-ROM, Second Edition

Publisher: TF-CHPMN
Number Of Pages: 1304
Publication Date: 2005-11-29
Sales Rank: 2190228
ISBN / ASIN: 0849338298
EAN: 9780849338298
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: TF-CHPMN
Studio: TF-CHPMN
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

The new edition of this authoritative reference includes 3000 new compounds, bringing the total to 26,000. All existing entries were carefully reviewed and updated where necessary. The data included in each entry includes chemical names and synonyms, including CAS and IUPAC names, trade names, and trivial names; full and clear description of equilibrium studies, cyclic forms, and their derivatives; extensive occurrence and use data; structure diagrams showing stereochemistry and configuration; and physical properties including melting point, optical rotation, and mutarotation data. This edition also features a structure-searchable CD-ROM providing quick, convenient access.


30-06-2007 04:41 PM[Image: 511JHAE92RL.jpg]

HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications, Second Edition (Analytical Chemistry Series (Crc Press).)

Publisher: TF-CRC
Number Of Pages: 480
Publication Date: 2000-12-21
Sales Rank: 2490546
ISBN / ASIN: 0849300037
EAN: 9780849300035
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: TF-CRC
Studio: TF-CRC
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

HPLC: Practical and Industrial Applications, Second Edition is an important revision that expands and updates information in areas that have seen dramatic change since the first edition was published. References have been updated. Easy to read and comprehensive, the book is a "must have" reference for students and professionals in analytical and pharmaceutical chemistry.


01-07-2007 03:11 PM[Image: 412PZH10SHL.jpg]

Guidelines for Safe Process Operations and Maintenance
By Center for Chemical Process Safety (CCPS)

Publisher: Wiley-AIChE
Number Of Pages: 319
Publication Date: 1995-03-15
Sales Rank: 1029246
ISBN / ASIN: 0816906270
EAN: 9780816906277
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-AIChE
Studio: Wiley-AIChE
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

First-line managers have to maintain the integrity of facilities, control manufacturing processes, and handle unusual or emergency situations, as well as respond to the pressures of production demand. On a daily basis, they are closest to the operating personnel who may be injured by a process accident, and they are in the best position to spot problem conditions and to act to contain them. This book offers these managers "how-to" information on process safety management program execution in the operations and maintenance departments, recommending technical and administrative process safety activities for the entire life cycle of the plant. Helpful tables and references add to the value of this process safety resource.


0-07-2007 03:13 PM[Image: 41FQRGN7ZWL.jpg]

Nonlinear Computer Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Data
By James F. Rusling,&nbspThomas F. Kumosinski,

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 268
Publication Date: 1996-01-24
Sales Rank: 2439288
ISBN / ASIN: 0126044902
EAN: 9780126044904
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Academic Press
Studio: Academic Press
Average Rating: 3
Total Reviews: 1

Book Description:

Assuming only background knowledge of algebra and elementary calculus, and access to a modern personal computer, Nonlinear Computer Modeling of Chemical and Biochemical Data presents the fundamental basis and procedures of data modeling by computer using nonlinear regression analysis. Bypassing the need for intermediary analytical stages, this method allows for rapid analysis of highly complex processes, thereby enabling reliable information to be extracted from raw experimental data.
By far the greater part of the book is devoted to selected applications of computer modeling to various experiments used in chemical and biochemical research. The discussions include a short review of principles and models for each technique, examples of computer modeling for real and theoretical data sets, and examples from the literature specific to each instrumental technique.
The book also offers detailed tutorial on how to construct suitable models and a score list of appropriate mathematics software packages.



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Metabolome Analysis: An Introduction (Wiley - Interscience Series on Mass Spectrometry)
By Silas G. Villas-Boas,&nbspJens Nielsen,&nbspJorn Smedsgaard,&nbspMichael A. E. Hansen,&nbspUte Roessner-Tunali,

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages: 311
Publication Date: 2007-02-16
Sales Rank: 525611
ISBN / ASIN: 0471743445
EAN: 9780471743446
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-Interscience
Studio: Wiley-Interscience
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Providing information on the main approaches for the analysis of metabolites, this textbook:
Covers basic methodologies in sample preparation and separation techniques, as well as the most recent techniques of mass spectrometry.
Differentiates between primary and secondary metabolites.
Includes four chapters discussing successful metabolome studies of different organisms.
Highlights the analytical challenges of studying metabolites.
Illustrates applications of metabolome analysis through the use of case studies.



25-06-2007 01:58 PM[Image: 51YMTV335EL.jpg]

Handbook of Lithium and Natural Calcium Chloride
By Donald E. Garrett

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 488
Publication Date: 2004-04-29
Sales Rank: 1729920
ISBN / ASIN: 0122761529
EAN: 9780122761522
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Academic Press
Studio: Academic Press
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

This book is concerned with two major industrial minerals: Lithium and Calcium Chloride. The geology of their deposits is first reviewed, along with discussions of most of the major deposits and theories of their origin. The commercial mining and processing plants are next described, followed by a review of the rather extensive literature on other proposed processing methods. The more important uses for lithium and calcium chloride are next covered, along with their environmental considerations. This is followed by a brief review of the production statistics for each industry, and some of their compounds' phase data and physical properties.

- Describes the chemistry, chemical engineering, geology and mineral processing aspects of lithium and calcium chloride
- Collects in one source the most important information concerning these two industrial minerals
- Presents new concepts and more comprehensive theories on their origin


25-06-2007 01:59 PM[Image: 417Y488QBEL.jpg]

Organic and Inorganic Photochemistry (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry) (Molecular and Supramolecular Photochemistry , Vol 2)
By V. Ramamurthy

Publisher: CRC
Number Of Pages: 368
Publication Date: 1998-08-01
Sales Rank: 3494814
ISBN / ASIN: 0824701747
EAN: 9780824701741
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: CRC
Studio: CRC
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Focusing on complex naturally-occurring and synthetic supramolecular arrays, this work describes the mechanism by which transition metal complexes bind to DNA and how the DNA scaffold modifies the photochemical and photophysical properties to bound complexes. It includes details of photoinduced electron transfer between intercalated molecules, and examines thermally and photochemically induced electron transfer in supramolecular assemblies consisting of inorganic molecular building blocks.

Password: Lekar

25-06-2007 02:00 PM[Image: 41j4JqLxN1L.jpg]

March's Advanced Organic Chemistry: Reactions, Mechanisms, and Structure (March's Advanced Organic Chemistry)
By Michael B. Smith,&nbspJerry March,

Publisher: Wiley-Interscience
Number Of Pages: 2357
Publication Date: 2007-01-16
Sales Rank: 46218
ISBN / ASIN: 0471720917
EAN: 9780471720911
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-Interscience
Studio: Wiley-Interscience
Average Rating: 5
Total Reviews: 2

Book Description:

The Sixth Edition of a classic in organic chemistry continues its tradition of excellence Now in its sixth edition, March's Advanced Organic Chemistry remains the gold standard in organic chemistry. Throughout its six editions, students and chemists from around the world have relied on it as an essential resource for planning and executing synthetic reactions.

The Sixth Edition brings the text completely current with the most recent organic reactions. In addition, the references have been updated to enable readers to find the latest primary and review literature with ease.

New features include:
More than 25,000 references to the literature to facilitate further research
Revised mechanisms, where required, that explain concepts in clear modern terms
Revisions and updates to each chapter to bring them all fully up to date with the latest reactions and discoveries
A revised Appendix B to facilitate correlating chapter sections with synthetic transformations


25-06-2007 02:01 PM[Image: 51ANW2CWNFL.jpg]

Computer-Aided Molecular Design: Theory and Applications
By Jean-Pierre Doucet,&nbspJacques Weber,

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 487
Publication Date: 1996-03-14
Sales Rank: 3299522
ISBN / ASIN: 0122212851
EAN: 9780122212857
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Academic Press
Studio: Academic Press
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

The computer-aided design of novel molecular systems has undoubtedly reached the stage of a mature discipline offering a broad range of tools available to virtually any chemist. However, there are few books coveringmost of these techniques in a single volume and using a language which may generally be understood by students or chemists with a limited knowledge of theoretical chemistry. The purpose of this book is precisely to review, in such a language, both methodological aspects and important applications of computer-aided molecular design (CAMD), with a special emphasis on drug design and protein modeling.
Using numerous examples ranging from molecular models to shapes, surfaces, and volumes, Computer-Aided Molecular Design provides coverage of the role molecular graphics play in CAMD. The text also treats the very notion of the structure of molecular systems by presenting both the various experimental techniques giving access to it and the most common model builders based on force fields. Separate chapters are devoted to other important topics in CAMD, such as Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations; most common quantum chemical methods; derivation and visualization of molecular properties; and molecular similarity. Finally, strategies used in protein modeling and drug design, such as receptor mapping and the pharmacophore approach, are presented and illustrated by several examples.
The book is addressed to students and researchers who wish to enter this new exciting field of molecular sciences, but also practitioners in CAMD as a comprehensive source of refreshing information in their field.

Key Features
* Presents a comprehensive introduction to computer-aided molecular design
* Describes applications of CAMD through the use of numerous examples
* Emphasizes strategies used in protein modeling and drug design
* Includes separate chapters devoted to other important topics in CAMD, such as:
* Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations
* Common quantum chemical methods
* Derivation and visualization of molecular properties
* Molecular similarity


vaiduakhu25-06-2007 02:02 PM[Image: 417FH9A21CL.jpg]

Chemistry and Technology of Flavour and Fragrance
By David Rowe

Publisher: Blackwell Pub
Number Of Pages: 325
Publication Date: 2006-04-01
Sales Rank: 1238021
ISBN / ASIN: 1405114509
EAN: 9781405114509
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Blackwell Pub
Studio: Blackwell Pub
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:


25-06-2007 02:03 PM[Image: 41Wjhvcn3kL.jpg]

Chromatography, Sixth Edition: Fundamentals and applications of chromatography and related differential migration methods - Part B: Applications (Journal of Chromatography Library)

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 706
Publication Date: 2004-04-16
Sales Rank: 4709575
ISBN / ASIN: 0444511083
EAN: 9780444511089
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Chromatography has emerged as the most important and versatile analytical method. The book is not only an updated version of Heftmann's classical text, but it covers areas of future importance, such as microfluidics and computer resources. Under his experienced guidance, authorities in each field have contributed their practical experience to an integrated treatment of modern micro analysis.
Part B of this two volume set brings the traditional field of application up to date. These include amino acids and proteins, nucleic acids and their constituents, lipid, and carbohydrates. Special chapters are devoted to the most important areas of application: drug and environmental analysis. Forensic and phytochemical applications are covered for the first time. Together with an overview of computer resources, the subject index allows novices as well as experts to obtain rapid and authoritative guidance to analytical problems, such as choice of methods and optimization of techniques and instrumentation.

1. Each chapter written by an authority
2. Thorough treatment of the theoretical basis of separation methods
3. Practical guide for performing analyses


25-06-2007 02:04 PM[Image: 41qbFut8zNL.jpg]

Chromatography, Sixth Edition: Fundamentals and applications of chromatography and related differential migration methods - Part A: Fundamentals and techniques (Journal of Chromatography Library)

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 584
Publication Date: 2004-04-16
Sales Rank: 1572455
ISBN / ASIN: 0444511075
EAN: 9780444511072
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Chromatography has emerged as the most important and versatile analytical method. The book is not only an updated version of Heftmann's classical text, but it covers areas of future importance, such as microfluidics and computer resources. Under his experienced guidance, authorities in each field have contributed their practical experience to an integrated treatment of modern micro analysis.

In Part A the theoretical basis of individual separation methods is explained and the technical aspects are illustrated. It includes the theory of gas and liquid chromatography as well as specific chromatographic techniques, such as size-exclusion, planar, ion, and affinity chromatography as well as various electrokinetic separation techniques. Microfluidics are covered for the first time and useful sources of analytical instruments are listed and evaluated.

1. Each chapter written by an authority
2. Thorough treatment of the theoretical basis of separation methods
3. Practical guide for performing analyses


25-06-2007 02:05 PM[Image: 413GqJsb84L.jpg]

Hydrocarbon Thermal Isomerizations, Second Edition
By Joseph J. Gajewski

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 454
Publication Date: 2004-04-29
Sales Rank: 3898336
ISBN / ASIN: 0122733517
EAN: 9780122733512
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Academic Press
Studio: Academic Press
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Hydrocarbon Thermal Isomerizations summarizes rearrangements which are induced by heating neutral hydrocarbons under non-catalytic conditions in the vapor phase or in non-polar solution. This subject has attracted the interest of mechanistic organic chemists and theorists in the last quarter century because it is one of the few fields workable by state of the art techniques of both camps. This work collects together most of the crucial rate and stereochemical data in a single volume, along with a critical analysis of each of these reactions.

Unlike reviews or other books in this area that focus on reaction types, e.g.. electrocyclic reactions, or Claisen rearrangements, this volume is organized like the Chemical Abstracts Formula Index, but with an important exception: all of the relevant derivatives of each parent compound are discussed with the parent and not in their logical formula index positions. As it is not always obvious what is a parent material and what is a derivative, detailed cross-references are included throughout.

An important aspect of this edition is the inclusion of calculational results that provide insight, often more than was anticipated, into these relatively simple reactions

·Energetics of thermal isomerization reactions
·Stereochemistry of thermal isomerization reactions
·Organization to facilitate and integrate global analyses
·Comparison of experimental and theoretical results


25-06-2007 02:06 PM[Image: 513WEDZVC1L.jpg]

Analytical Determination of Nicotine and Related Compounds and their Metabolites

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 732
Publication Date: 1999-10-01
Sales Rank: 2610760
ISBN / ASIN: 0444500952
EAN: 9780444500953
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

This book provides for the first time a single comprehensive source of information on the analytical chemistry of nicotine and related alkaloids. The editors have brought together scientists from academia and the tobacco industry to describe the state-of-the-art of the chemistry and analytical methods for measurement of nicotine. Both the scope and detail of the book are impressive. Chapters describe the history, pharmacology and toxicology of nicotine, the biosynthesis of nicotine and other alkaloids in the tobacco plant, the general chemistry of nicotine and the analytical methodologies that have been used to measure nicotine and related alkaloids in biological specimens, in tobacco and pharmaceutical products and in tobacco smoke. There is also a comprehensive review of the chemistry and toxicology of nicotine-derived nitrosamines, an important class of tobacco carcinogens.


6-2007 01:48 PM[Image: 51F8A83TB6L.jpg]

Crystals and Crystal Structures
By Richard J. D. Tilley

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 270
Publication Date: 2006-08-30
Sales Rank: 156871
ISBN / ASIN: 0470018216
EAN: 9780470018217
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Wiley
Studio: Wiley
Average Rating: 4
Total Reviews: 1

Book Description:

Crystals and Crystal Structures is an introductory text for students and others who need to understand the subject without necessarily becoming crystallographers. Using the book will enable students to read scientific papers and articles describing a crystal structure or use crystallographic databases with confidence and understanding.

Reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the subject the book includes a variety of applications as diverse as the relationship between physical properties and symmetry, and molecular and protein crystallography. As well as covering the basics the book contains an introduction to areas of crystallography, such as modulated structures and quasicrystals, and protein crystallography, which are the subject of important and active research.
A non-mathematical introduction to the key elements of the subject
Contains numerous applications across a variety of disciplines
Includes a range of problems and exercises
Clear, direct writing style

"…the book contains a wealth of information and it fulfils its purpose of providing an interesting and broad introduction to the terpenes." CHEMISTRY WORLD, February 2007



25-06-2007 01:49 PM[Image: 41CCSVJXF6L.jpg]

Nonporous Inorganic Membranes: for Chemical Processing

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 291
Publication Date: 2006-09-29
Sales Rank: 2592033
ISBN / ASIN: 3527313427
EAN: 9783527313426
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-VCH
Studio: Wiley-VCH
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

This reference book addresses the evolution of materials for both oxygen and hydrogen transport membranes and offers strategies for their fabrication as well as their subsequent incorporation into catalytic membrane reactors. Other chapters deal with, e.g., engineering design and scale-up issues, strategies for preparation of supported thin-film membranes, or interfacial kinetic and mass transfer issues. A must for materials scientists, chemists, chemical engineers and electrochemists interested in advanced chemical processing.


25-06-2007 01:49 PM[Image: 51H2D73MEHL.jpg]

Membrane Technology: in the Chemical Industry

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 354
Publication Date: 2006-10-13
Sales Rank: 2357307
ISBN / ASIN: 3527313168
EAN: 9783527313167
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-VCH
Studio: Wiley-VCH
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Membrane Technology - a clean and energy saving alternative to traditional/conventional processes.

Developed from a useful laboratory technique to a commercial separation technology, today it has widespread and rapidly expanding use in the chemical industry. It has established applications in areas such as hydrogen separation and recovery of organic vapors from process gas streams, and selective transport of organic solvents, and it is opening new perspectives for catalytic conversion in membrane reactors. Membrane technology provides a unique solution for industrial waste treatment and for controlled production of valuable chemicals.

This book outlines several established applications of membranes in the chemical industry, reviews the available membranes and membrane processes for the field, and discusses the huge potential of this technology in chemical processes.

Each chapter has been written by an international leading expert with extensive industrial experience in the field.


25-06-2007 01:50 PM[Image: 51T7APY6YHL.jpg]

Analogue-based Drug Discovery

Publisher: Wiley-VCH
Number Of Pages: 606
Publication Date: 2006-03-31
Sales Rank: 406926
ISBN / ASIN: 3527312579
EAN: 9783527312573
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Wiley-VCH
Studio: Wiley-VCH
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

The first authoritative overview of past and current strategies for successful drug development by analog generation, this unique resource spans all important drug classes and all major therapeutic fields, including histamine antagonists, ACE inhibitors, beta blockers, opioids, quinolone antibiotics, steroids and anticancer platinum compounds.

Of the 19 analog classes presented in detail, 9 are described by the scientists who discoverd them.

The book includes a table of the most successful drug analogs as based on the IMS ranking and compares them in terms of chemical structure, mode of action and patentability.


25-06-2007 01:51 PM[Image: 41XDFANCFRL.jpg]

Introduction to Computational Chemistry
By Frank Jensen

Publisher: Wiley
Number Of Pages: 624
Publication Date: 2006-12-13
Sales Rank: 181297
ISBN / ASIN: 0470011874
EAN: 9780470011874
Binding: Paperback
Manufacturer: Wiley
Studio: Wiley
Average Rating: 3.5
Total Reviews: 5

Book Description:

Introduction to Computational Chemistry Second Edition provides a comprehensive account of the fundamental principles underlying different methods, ranging from classical to the sophisticated. Although comprehensive in its coverage, this textbook focuses on calculating molecular structures and (relative) energies and less on molecular properties or dynamical aspects. No prior knowledge of concepts specific to computational chemistry are assumed, but the reader will need some understanding of introductory quantum mechanics, linear algebra, and vector, differential and integral calculus.



25-06-2007 01:52 PM[Image: 51AJK8FM1XL.jpg]

Polymer Colloids (Colloid Science)
By Robert M. Fitch

Publisher: Academic Press
Number Of Pages: 346
Publication Date: 1997-05-02
Sales Rank: 1090136
ISBN / ASIN: 0122577450
EAN: 9780122577451
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Academic Press
Studio: Academic Press
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Finally! An authoritative, comprehensive textbook in this commercially and academically important field. Billions of kilograms of polymers are manufactured annually in the form of polymer colloids. Thousands of researchers work with them in a host of applications, from water-borne latex paints to cancer chemotherapeutics, but until now there was been no adequate introductory text.
This book provides a solid development of the fundamentals to the field of colloid science with a solid development of the fundamentals of polymer colloids, emulsion, polymerization, latex technology, and the applications of functional latexes in catalysis, medical diagnostics and therapeutics. Fitch, who has been called the Benjamin Spock of Polymer Colloids, bases his approach to a complex field is based on his 40+ years of experience in industrial and academic research and development. His approach makes it easy to understand and be able to work effectively in this fascinating field.
Students and professionals will find Polymer Colloids: A Comprehensive Introduction an important resource in gaining a working understanding of polymer colloids, enabling them to carry out their own research and/or development.

Key Features
* Contains many detailed figures and references
* Includes new, current references
* Provides the clarity and insight that can only be found from the author's 40+ years of experience in the field
* Covers the material in an easy-to-understand and entertaining manner


25-06-2007 01:53 PM[Image: 41R90RKZTGL.jpg]

Ion Exchange Materials: Properties and Applications
By Andrei A. Zagorodni

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 496
Publication Date: 2006-11-17
Sales Rank: 608879
ISBN / ASIN: 0080445527
EAN: 9780080445526
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Ion Exchange Materials: Properties and Applications fills a "two-dimensional" gap in books currently available on the subject. Firstly, there is a lack of modern comprehensive publications on the chemistry of ion exchange materials and on the relationships between their properties and practical applications. Secondly, there are few books on ion exchange chemistry that are targeted to industrial R&D specialists and research students who (i) do not work with ion exchange on a daily basis, (ii) need to develop competence in this area, and (iii) find it difficult to start studying the subject from primary scientific publications.

The book bridges these gaps by describing classical and modern theoretical concepts, as well as practical approaches for using ion exchange materials. Ion exchange materials combine properties of homogeneous and heterogeneous materials. Besides being an interesting subject for investigation, they are essential in a wide variety of industrial technologies: in the chemical and biochemical industries, pharmacy, medicine, microelectronics, the nuclear industry, food production, waste treatment, and many other areas. Ion exchange is a powerful tool in chemical analysis and scientific research. The main focus in this book is on ion exchange polymers: ion exchange resins, chelating resins, imprinted (templated), and other functional polymers. It provides an in-depth study of ion exchange materials, suitable for postgraduate students and R&D industrial specialists in chemistry, chemical and biochemical technology.

* Comprehensively covers the subject.
* Provides links between theoretical concepts, material properties, practical applications, and technical solutions.
* Easy to understand - requires only ground knowledge of university-level chemistry and can be read without an in-depth knowledge of mathematics.
* Supported with an interactive web-site.


25-06-2007 01:54 PM[Image: 41KBS1SDNCL.jpg]

Modern Trends in Chemical Reaction Dynamics: Experiment and Theory (Advanced Series in Physical Chemistry - Vol. 14)

Publisher: World Scientific Publishing Company
Number Of Pages: 652
Publication Date: 2004-06
Sales Rank: 2267604
ISBN / ASIN: 9812385681
EAN: 9789812385680
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: World Scientific Publishing Company
Studio: World Scientific Publishing Company
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

The field of chemical reaction dynamics has made tremendous progress during the last decade or so. This is due largely to the development of many new, state-of-the-art experimental and theoretical techniques during that period. It is beneficial to present these advances, both theoretical and experimental, in a review volume published in two parts (Parts I and II). The primary purpose of this review volume is to provide graduate students and experts in the field with a rather detailed picture of the current status of advanced experimental and theoretical research in chemical reaction dynamics. All chapters in these two parts have been written by world-renowned experts active in such research.


25-06-2007 01:55 PM[Image: 41R3SG9KAHL.jpg]

Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers

Publisher: Elsevier Science
Number Of Pages: 604
Publication Date: 2006-09-13
Sales Rank: 4011149
ISBN / ASIN: 0444522204
EAN: 9780444522207
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Elsevier Science
Studio: Elsevier Science
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Modern Methods for Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers provides an interesting selection of contributions from an international team of researchers in theoretical chemistry. This book is extremely useful for tackling the complicated scientific problems connected with biopolymers' physics and chemistry.

The applications of both the classical molecular-mechanical and molecular-dynamical methods and the quantum chemical methods needed for bridging the gap to structural and dynamical properties dependent on electron dynamics are explained. Also included are ways to deal with complex problems when all three approaches need to be considered at the same time. The book gives a rich spectrum of applications: from theoretical considerations of how ATP is produced and used as energy currency in the living cell, to the effects of subtle solvent influence on properties of biopolymers and how structural changes in DNA during single-molecule manipulation may be interpreted.

· Presents modern successes and trends in theoretical physical chemistry/chemical physics of biopolymers
· Topics covered are of relevant importance to rapidly developing areas in science such as nanotechnology and molecular medicine
· Quality selection of contributions from renowned scientists in the field


25-06-2007 01:56 PM[Image: 51955ZBM6AL.jpg]

Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms
By Perry A. Frey,&nbspAdrian D. Hegeman,

Publisher: Oxford University Press, USA
Number Of Pages: 848
Publication Date: 2006-12-29
Sales Rank: 545770
ISBN / ASIN: 0195122585
EAN: 9780195122589
Binding: Hardcover
Manufacturer: Oxford University Press, USA
Studio: Oxford University Press, USA
Average Rating:
Total Reviews:

Book Description:

Books Dealing with the mechanisms of enzymatic reactions were written a generation ago. They included volumes entitled Bioorganic Mechanisms, I and II by T.C. Bruice and S.J. Benkovic, published in 1965, the volume entitled Catalysis in Chemistry and Enzymology by W.P. Jencks in 1969, and the volume entitled Enzymatic Reaction Mechanisms by C.T. Walsh in 1979. The Walsh book was based on the course taught by W.P. Jencks and R.H. Abeles at Brandeis University in the 1960's and 1970's. By the late 1970's, much more could be included about the structures of enzymes and the kinetics and mechanisms of enzymatic reactions themselves, and less emphasis was placed on chemical models. Walshs book was widely used in courses on enzymatic mechanisms for many years. Much has happened in the field of mechanistic enzymology in the past 15 to 20 years. Walshs book is both out-of-date and out-of-focus in todays world of enzymatic mechanisms. There is no longer a single volume or a small collection of volumes to which students can be directed to obtain a clear understanding of the state of knowledge regarding the chemicals mechanisms by which enzymes catalyze biological reactions. There is no single volume to which medicinal chemists and biotechnologists can refer on the subject of enzymatic mechanisms. Practitioners in the field have recognized a need for a new book on enzymatic mechanisms for more than ten years, and several, including Walsh, have considered undertaking to modernize Walshs book. However, these good intentions have been abandoned for one reason or another. The great size of the knowledge base in mechanistic enzymology has been a deterrent. It seems too large a subject for a single author, and it is difficult for several authors to coordinate their work to mutual satisfaction. This text by Perry A. Frey and Adrian D. Hegeman accomplishes this feat, producing the long-awaited replacement for Walshs classic text.



[MARQUEE]Ai còn mẹ , xin đừng làm mẹ khóc :cnhh45:
Đừng để buồn lên mắt mẹ nghe không !![/MARQUEE]



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Chemical Engineering Design

Tóm tắt nội dung :

Chapter 1: Introduction to design
Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Material Balances
Chapter 3: Fundamentals of Energy Balances ( and Energy Utilisation )
Chapter 4: Flow _ Sheeting
Chapter 5: Piping and Intrusmentation
Chapter 6: Costing and Project Evaluation
Chapter 7: Materrials of Construction
Chapter 8:
Design Information and Data
Chapter 9: Safety and Loss Prevention
Chapter 10: Equipment Selection Specification and Design
Chapter 11: Separation Columns ( Distillation Absorption and Extration )
Chapter 12: Heat _ transper Equipment
Chapter 13: Mechanical Design of Process Equipment
Chapter 14: General Site Considerations

Link :



[MARQUEE]Ai còn mẹ , xin đừng làm mẹ khóc :cnhh45:
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Ceramic and glass material

Lesson 1: Alumina
Lesson 2: Mulite
Lesson 3: The Sillimanite Minerals : Andalusite ,Kyanite and Sillmanite
Lesson 4: Aluminates
Lesson 5: Quartz and Silicas
Lesson 6: Refractory Oxides
Lesson 7: Clays
Lesson 8: Concrete and Cement
Lesson 9: Lead Compounds
Lesson 10: Zirconia

LINK : http://www.megaupload.com/?d=8JLRBJ38

Tập tin đính kèm
.pdf ceramic_and_glass_materials.pdf Kích thước: 2.09 MB  Tải về: 174

[MARQUEE]Ai còn mẹ , xin đừng làm mẹ khóc :cnhh45:
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link rapidshare die hết rồi long ơi Sad

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giờ cần quyển nào thì mình up lên lại cho, còn kêu sửa hết thì pó tay, nhiều lắm:poster_spam[1]:

[MARQUEE]Ai còn mẹ , xin đừng làm mẹ khóc :cnhh45:
Đừng để buồn lên mắt mẹ nghe không !![/MARQUEE]



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