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Production of Detergent from Castor Oil

[FONT=&quot]This research work was carried out with the objective of extraction of oil from castor seeds and its utilization to produce a synthetic detergent. Solvent extraction method was employed in extracting the oil and the total percent oil yield was found to be 23.8%. The experimentally determined saponification value of the oil was 183.7275mgKOH/g of oil. The detergent efficiency, determined as a measure of the foamability of the detergent was found to be 2.6cm. The pH tests revealed mildly basic properties. The color, scent and efficiency of the detergent were improved with the addition of bleaching agent, perfume and foaming agents respectively.[/FONT]

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.doc Production of Detergent from Castor Oil.doc Kích thước: 57 KB  Tải về: 158

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Bài viết cuối bởi longdaubac
01-12-2010, 11:44 PM

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